trAvis - MANAGER
Edit File: index.php
<?php if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.3') < 0) { echo "Your PHP version is outdated for this website. Please update PHP version to 5.6 or higher."; exit(); } if (function_exists('apc_clear_cache')) apc_clear_cache(); if((isset($_COOKIE['WB_SITE_DEBUG_MODE']) && $_COOKIE['WB_SITE_DEBUG_MODE']) || (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_DBG_LOG_ALL_ERRORS']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_DBG_LOG_ALL_ERRORS'])) { error_reporting(E_ALL); @ini_set('display_errors', true); } if (!@session_id()) @session_start(); $tz = @date_default_timezone_get(); @date_default_timezone_set($tz ? $tz : 'UTC'); require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/polyfill.php'; $pages = array( '0' => array('id' => '1', 'alias' => '', 'file' => '1.php','controllers' => array('blog')), '1' => array('id' => '2', 'alias' => 'About-us', 'file' => '2.php','controllers' => array()), '2' => array('id' => '4', 'alias' => 'Services', 'file' => '4.php','controllers' => array()), '3' => array('id' => '3', 'alias' => 'Contacts', 'file' => '3.php','controllers' => array()) ); $forms = array( '3' => array( '280f8db3' => Array( 'email' => '', 'emailFrom' => '', 'subject' => 'Enquire from the web page', 'sentMessage' => unserialize('s:14:"Form was sent.";'), 'object' => '', 'objectRenderer' => '', 'loggingHandler' => '', 'smtpEnable' => false, 'smtpHost' => null, 'smtpPort' => null, 'smtpEncryption' => null, 'smtpUsername' => null, 'smtpPassword' => null, 'recSiteKey' => null, 'recSecretKey' => null, 'maxFileSizeTotal' => '2', 'postUrl' => null, 'redirectUrl' => null, 'webhookUrl' => null, 'brandId' => '87101', 'fields' => array( array( 'fidx' => '0', 'name' => 'Name', 'type' => 'input', 'required' => 1, 'options' => '' ), array( 'fidx' => '1', 'name' => 'E-mail', 'type' => 'input', 'required' => 1, 'options' => '' ), array( 'fidx' => '2', 'name' => 'Message', 'type' => 'textarea', 'required' => 1, 'options' => '' ) ) ) ) ); $langs = null; $def_lang = null; $base_lang = 'en'; $site_id = "b1d9a3eb"; $websiteUID = "3983f85be287c3949ca3df7d454ca90bdab2df0f87808e76300603c0f5261ab73af9743ed1d22b7e"; $base_dir = dirname(__FILE__); $base_url = '/'; $user_domain = ''; $pretty_domain = ''; $home_page = '1'; $mod_rewrite = true; $show_comments = false; $comment_callback = ""; $user_key = "219aTGUeC/Mlawaz4F2X9qSwYdYrTl8="; $user_hash = "e740bcf26910f536"; $ga_code = (is_file($ga_code_file = dirname(__FILE__).'/ga_code') ? file_get_contents($ga_code_file) : null); require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/src/SiteInfo.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/src/SiteModule.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/src/blog/BlogLocale.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/src/blog/BlogData.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/src/blog/BlogNavigation.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/src/blog/BlogElement.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/src/blog/BlogModule.php'; $siteInfo = SiteInfo::build(array('siteId' => $site_id, 'websiteUID' => $websiteUID, 'domain' => $user_domain, 'prettyDomain' => $pretty_domain, 'homePageId' => $home_page, 'baseDir' => $base_dir, 'baseUrl' => $base_url, 'defLang' => $def_lang, 'baseLang' => $base_lang, 'userKey' => $user_key, 'userHash' => $user_hash, 'commentsCallback' => $comment_callback, 'langs' => $langs, 'pages' => $pages, 'forms' => $forms, 'modRewrite' => $mod_rewrite, 'gaCode' => $ga_code, 'gaAnonymizeIp' => false, 'port' => null, 'pathPrefix' => null, 'useTrailingSlashes' => true,)); $requestInfo = SiteRequestInfo::build(array('requestUri' => getRequestUri($siteInfo->baseUrl),)); SiteModule::init(null, $siteInfo); BlogModule::init((object) array(), $siteInfo); list($page_id, $lang, $urlArgs, $route) = parse_uri($siteInfo, $requestInfo); $preview = false; $requestInfo->{'page'} = (isset($pages[$page_id]) ? $pages[$page_id] : null); $requestInfo->{'lang'} = $lang; $requestInfo->{'urlArgs'} = $urlArgs; $requestInfo->{'route'} = $route; handleTrailingSlashRedirect($siteInfo, $requestInfo); SiteModule::setLang($requestInfo->{'lang'}); SiteModule::initTranslations(array( '-' => array( 'All' => 'All', 'Back' => 'Back', 'Form sending failed' => 'Form sending failed', 'Form was not sent, are you a robot?' => 'Form was not sent, are you a robot?', 'File %s is too big' => 'File %s is too big', 'File %s could not be uploaded for sending' => 'File %s could not be uploaded for sending', 'Total size of attachments must not exceed %s MB' => 'Total size of attachments must not exceed %s MB', 'Field %s is not present' => 'Field %s is not present', 'Failed to create a directory for attachments' => 'Failed to create a directory for attachments', 'Attachments inode on the server is not a directory' => 'Attachments inode on the server is not a directory', 'Failed to move uploaded file to attachments directory' => 'Failed to move uploaded file to attachments directory', 'Receiver not specified' => 'Receiver not specified' ) )); if (!isHttps() && !headers_sent()) { header('Status: 301 Moved Permanently'); header('Location: '.getCurrUrl(false, 'https')); exit(); } $hr_out = ''; if (is_callable('BlogModule::parseRequest')) $hr_out .= call_user_func('BlogModule::parseRequest', $requestInfo); $page = $requestInfo->{'page'}; if (!is_null($page)) { handleComments($page['id'], $siteInfo); if (isset($_POST["wb_form_id"])) handleForms($page['id'], $siteInfo); } ob_start(); if ($page) { $fl = dirname(__FILE__).'/'.$page['file']; if (is_file($fl)) { ${'seoTitle'} = $requestInfo->{'title'}; ${'seoDescription'} = $requestInfo->{'description'}; ${'seoKeywords'} = $requestInfo->{'keywords'}; ${'seoImage'} = $requestInfo->{'image'}; if (isset($_GET['wbPopupMode']) && $_GET['wbPopupMode'] == 1) { $wbPopupMode = true; } if (isset($_GET['wbLandingPage']) && $_GET['wbLandingPage']) { $wbLandingPage = $_GET['wbLandingPage']; } ob_start(); include $fl; $out = ob_get_clean(); $ga_out = ''; if ($lang && $langs) { foreach ($langs as $ln => $default) { $pageUri = getPageUri($page['id'], $ln, $siteInfo); $out = str_replace('{{lang_'.$ln.'}}', $pageUri, $out); $out = str_replace(urlencode('{{lang_'.$ln.'}}'), $pageUri, $out); } } if (is_file($ga_tpl = dirname(__FILE__).'/ga.php')) { ob_start(); include $ga_tpl; $ga_out = ob_get_clean(); } $out = str_replace('<ga-code/>', $ga_out, $out); $out = str_replace('{{base_url}}', getBaseUrl(), $out); $out = str_replace('{{curr_url}}', getCurrUrl(), $out); $out = str_replace('{{hr_out}}', $hr_out, $out); header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8', true); echo $out; } } else { header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8", true, 404); if (is_file(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../error_docs/not_found.html')) { include dirname(__FILE__).'/../../error_docs/not_found.html'; } else if (is_file(dirname(__FILE__).'/404.html')) { include dirname(__FILE__).'/404.html'; } else { echo "<!DOCTYPE html>\n"; echo "<html>\n"; echo "<head>\n"; echo "<title>404 Not found</title>\n"; echo "</head>\n"; echo "<body>\n"; echo "404 Not found\n"; echo "</body>\n"; echo "</html>"; } } ob_end_flush(); ?>